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UltraBac Backup & Disaster Recovery (BDR) Configuration Form

Do you need help determining which UltraBac Software products would best protect your physical machines, virtual machines, and/or your network? We are here to help!

UltraBac's flexible and multi-faceted products provide you with choices in configuring a backup and disaster recovery solution that fits your organization's needs and budget. To begin the process, simply answer a few questions below and an UltraBac specialist will contact you within 24 hours (during regular business operations, 6:00 am – 5:00 pm PT) to discuss your options. Once the BDR configuration has been tailored for your business, a custom quote can then be generated using any competitive, educational, or quantity discounts that may be applicable, for the ultimate in cost savings.
Please tell us about your physical machines:
How many physical Windows Servers do you need backed up?
What Windows operating system(s) are you running?
Other OS
Please tell us about your virtual machines. If you don't have any, please skip to the environment & storage section:
How many virtual host machines do you need backed up?
How many virtual servers do you average per host?
What VM Host platform(s) are you running?
Other VM Host
How many virtualized Windows Servers do you need backed up?
What Windows operating system(s) are you running in your virtual environment?
Other Win OS in Virtual environment
How many virtualized non-Windows Servers (ex: Linux, Unix, etc.) do you need backed up?
Please tell us a little more about your environment and storage requirements:
What would you like to back up to?
Do you have more than one storage site (for example, one local site and one remove site) where you would like to keep copies of your backups?
Do you have an Exchange Server?
How many Exchange Servers do you have that need to be backed up?
What version(s) of Exchange are you running?
Other Exchange
Do you have a SQL Server?
How many SQL Servers do you have that need to be backed up?
What version(s) of SQL are you running?
Other SQL
How many Windows workstations and laptops do you have that need to be backed up?
What Windows client operating system(s) are you running?
Other Win Client
Would you like to continuously replicate servers to Microsoft Azure for near instant failover?
Would you like to duplicate backups to the cloud for an onsite/offsite hybrid BDR solution?
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