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UltraBac Hybrid Endpoint Backup


UltraBac offers two levels of endpoint protection for organizations needing to protect any number of networked workstations.  The fully enabled workstation version is typically administered by IT staff while UltraBac-Lite (UBL) is a simple-to-use hybrid workstation backup & disaster recovery solution greatly streamlined for end-users of all skill levels (for Microsoft Windows 7 thru 10).

UBL uses UltraBac’s mountable image backup technology with its built-in copy to the cloud functionally to provide on-premise backup with a duplicate cloud based copy.  When using the cloud copy feature backups go directly to an end-user’s account at their provider of choice.


  • Streamlined and greatly simplified User Interface.
  • Mountable image backup to local disk, UNC, NAS, SAN, etc.
  • Full and incremental block level backup by partition.
  • No limit to the number of incremental backups.
  • Point-in-time (PIT) restore from selected incremental (local or cloud).
  • Only the last used block is restored no matter how many times backed up.
  • Locally restore individual file/folder/partitions.
  • Locally perform a Bare Metal Recovery in a couple of clicks (Express Mode).
  • Locally perform a BMR dissimilar hardware restore (Advanced Mode).
  • Implement the Cloud Copy option at anytime (not a requirement).
  • Automated cloud copy feature after each full or incremental backup completes.
  • Failed backups are self-healing as of the next successful backup.
  • Use any compatible S3 cloud provider (e.g. Amazon, Google, Wasabi, etc.).
  • Cloud restore of individual file/folder/partitions.
  • Cloud based WinPE disaster recovery.
  • Cloud based restore to dissimilar hardware.
  • Automate new installation roll-outs & software updates.
  • Operator alerts, logs, reports, and management console.
  • Can protect endpoints and physical & virtual servers all at once.

UBL can be used by a single user backing up to a USB drive or back up any number of end-points to network storage.   Navigating UBL is simple enough that end-users can restore their own files & folders from on-prem or the cloud.  Users can also toggle to full workstation mode to use any of the advanced features & functions that UltraBac provides when appropriately licensed.

The full and lite workstation software versions of UltraBac are the same as the server version but limited to endpoint use.  Licensing can be provided by individual machines or thru a License Server issuing tokens based on the number of subscriptions within a domain.

Download UltraBac to start your free live-trial evaluation today and please comment you want to evaluate UltraBac-Lite!

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